Installation and Setup Guide for Data Retrieval Tools: This section describes the setup and the configurations of the external tools and libraries. Please be noted that the following installation instructions are for Windows 2000 or Windows XP systems only. The steps to create or change Windows Environment Variables are: 1. Right-click on 'My Computer' at the desktop. 2. Click on 'Properties' and then choose 'Advanced' from the top menu bar. 3. Click on the button 'Environment Variables...'. 4. There are two windows: one is for 'System Variables' and the other is for "User variables'. Normally we want to change 'System Variables'. 5. If we want to create a new environment variable, for example "%CLASSPATH% = C:\java", we can click on the button 'New...'. On the pop-up window, enter "CLASSPATH" to the text bar named 'Variable Name' and "C:\java" to the text bar named 'Variable Value'. 6. If we want to change an existing environment variable, for example adding "D:\Tomcat" to the variable "%PATH%", we can double-clicking the variable "PATH" from the 'System Variables' window. Then on the pop-up window, add "D:\Tomat" to the text bar named 'Variable Value'. The following lists the steps to install and configure JDK and Java Servlet: 1. Installation and configuration for JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.1. Download a free JDK package from 1.2. Install the downloaded JDK package to your preferred location, such as C:\Program Files\Java. 1.3. Change the Windows environment variable %JAVA_HOME% to reflect the location where JDK package is installed, such as 'C:\Program Files\Java'. 2. Installation and configuration for Apache Tomcat Java Servlet 2.1. Download a free Java Servlet package from 2.2. Install the downloaded package to a location such as %TOMCAT% = C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat4.0\ 2.3. Change the %CLASSPATH% environment to include: CLASSPATH = C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat4.0\common \lib\servlet.jar 2.4. Change the configuration file '%TOMCAT%\bin\setclasspath.bat' by updating the line: 'set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar' If OWL files are to be employed as data storage, the following lists the steps to install and configure Jena: 1. Download a free Jena package from 2. Unzip and install the downloaded Jena package to your preferred location, such as C:\Program Files\Jena. 3. Set a Windows environment variable %JENAROOT% to reflect the location where Jena package is installed, such as C:\Program Files\Jena. 4. Set the Java classpath (Windows environment variable %CLASSPATH%) to include all the JAR files in the %JENAROOT%/lib directory JENAROOT\lib\jena.jar JENAROOT\lib\xercesImpl.jar JENAROOT\lib\xml-apis.jar JENAROOT\lib\icu4j.jar JENAROOT\lib\concurrent.jar JENAROOT\lib\jakarta-oro-2.0.5.jar JENAROOT\lib\antlr.jar JENAROOT\lib\junit.jar JENAROOT\lib\commons-logging.jar JENAROOT\lib\log4j-1.2.7.jar JENAROOT\lib\rdf-api-2001-01-19.jar 5. Test the Jena installation by running "" on a Windows Command Prompt. If MySQL database is to be employed as data storage, MySQL database can be downloaded, installed and configured as follows: 1. Installation and configuration for MySQL Database 1.1. Download a free MySQL database system from, the preferred version is 4.1. 1.2. Install the downloaded MySQL package to your preferred location, such as 'C:\Program Files\mysql'. 1.3. Setup password for the default user 'root'. Mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('new_password'); 1.4. Delete the default user '' for security reason: mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE Host='localhost' AND User=''; 1.5. Create a new username/password and grant all priviledges: mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; 2. Installation and configuration for MySQL Connector J/3.0 (JDBC) 2.1. Download a free JDBC package from 2.2. Unzip the downloaded package to your preferred location, such as 'D:\jdbc'. 2.3. Set the Java classpath (%CLASSPATH%) to include the JAR file. For example: CLASSPATH = %CLASSPATH%;D:\jdbc\mysql_jdbc\mysql-connector-java-2.0.14-bin.jar