Alternate Circulation Path
John F. Sadowski Jr. P.E., October 9, 2002
Comments by:
John F. Sadowski Jr. P.E.
NYSDOT Main Office Structures Division
Structure Design Quality Assurance Bureau
Third paragraph - "facilities on sites". Ambiguous. Does this refer to buildings vs. streets and highways?
First paragraph - same comment as above.
Penultimate paragraph - "last April". Does this refer to 2001 or 2002?
Discussion of Provisions
Alternate Circulation Path - we recall an instance where our Landscape Architecture Bureau indicated that a temporary condition with a 36" clear width that extended for more than 100' (?) would have to be widened at some point to permit wheelchairs to pass one another. Do you need similar guidance to be generated for this document?
Grade (1103.5) - how long do the intermediate landings have to be?
Pedestrian Overpasses and Underpasses (1105.5) - same comment as above. Also, the 60" elevation change requiring elevator access should be qualified by urban/rural, origin/destination, potential for wheelchair use, etc. This could present a major problem unless its focus is narrowed appropriately.
Vertical Access (1102.12) - "except at certain pedestrian". What are the guidelines for these instances? See comment above.
Text of the Draft Guidelines
1101.3 Defined Terms - Add "Alternate Circulation Path. A temporary condition."
- Running Slope. Add "(Grade)" after the sentence.
1103.3 Clear Width - Indicate that this is for permanent cases.
1105.5.3 Approach - See elevator comments made previously.
1111 Alternate Circulation Path - Define as a temporary condition.