This regulation viewer can display all the regulation content under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21: Food and Drugs (21 CFR). We know each CFR Part is arranged by a hierarchical structure, which depth could be up to 6 (21.cfr.101.62.d.2.iii.E.2). This viewer can retrieve the regulation context at all hierarchical levels within a regulation Part. For example, if we treat the Part 21.cfr.101 as a hierarchy tree, this website can either show the whole Part on one page, or just display a part of it below a hierarchy tree node like 21.cfr.101.62.d.2.iii.E.2. Besides its information retrieval function, our system also automatically extracts the regulation references among the CFR. This feature hyperlinks the Parts of 21 CFR together and helps user browse the related regulation content quickly.
All materials from this website should be only used for academic and research purposes.
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in the box below, like 1 or 101.62.d.2.iii.E.2.
To find a part number within Title 21, please check this index file.