Shanghi Expo 2010

Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai, China and is a scheduled World Expo in the grand tradition of international fairs and expositions. The theme of the exposition will be "Better City Better Life" and signifies Shanghai's new status in the 21st century as a major economic and cultural center. It is expected to generate the largest number of visitors in the history of the world's fairs in terms of gross numbers. The Expo will take place from May 1 - October 31, 2010. For the first time in history, the Shanghai 2010 Expo will feature a highly sophisticated online version called "Online Expo Shanghai".

Shanghi Expo 2010    Main Entrance of Shanghi Expo 

In this case study we made simulation analysis for the main entrance of Expo area: "Shang nan lu" Entrance, which comprises 5 floors in all. Tourists mainly enter from floor 2 and underground floor 2.

Simulation Tests

Secure Capacity Test

According to the Level of Service criterion:

Level of Service Distance between people in queue (m)
A >=1.2
B 1.1~1.2
C 0.8~1.1
D 0.6~0.8
E 0.5~0.6
F <=0.5

We tested the capacity of floor 2 and underground floor2 under LOS E and:

According to simulation reasult, we recommend that the Secure Capacity of floor 2 is 1, 4000

According to simulation reasult, we recommend that the Secure Capacity of underground floor 2 is 7400

We also tested the capacity under different Service level:

Capacities of floor 2 under different Service level

Level of Service Distance between people in queue (m) Capacity(p)
A 1.2 7800
B 1.1 8300
C 0.8 10700
D 0.6 13200
E 0.5 15000
F 0.4 18000

Capacities of underground floor 2 under different Service level

Level of Service Distance between people in queue (m) Capacity(p)
A 1.2 4700
B 1.1 5200
C 0.8 5800
D 0.6 7200
E 0.5 8300
F 0.4 9800

Test of Safety Inspection Time Average

Safety Inspection Time Average (value of setting) Safety Inspection Time Average (simulation result)
10s 16.2s
15s 24s

Note: Simulation result is grater than setting value, because it contains queuing and walking time. The setting value is the expectation of Exponential Distribution.

After tests we found that, if the Safety Inspection Time is about 24s (seting value 15s) for each tourist, the number of tourists will exceed Secure Capacity both in floor 2 (over 20,000) and underground floor 2(over 1,400).

Number of Tourists in floor 2

Number of Tourists in underground floor 2

So we recommend that the Safety Inspection Time Average is better to be 16s for each tourists.

Level of Queuing Service

According to psychology, tourists may feel:

  • time of waiting is longer than time of service
  • time of anxiety is longer
  • uncertain waiting is longer than certain waiting
  • unfair waiting is longer than fair waiting
  • the higher value of service worth longer waiting
  • waiting along is longer than waiting with friends

We tested average time for each tourist spending on entry:

Floor Traffic Volume (p/h) Inintial Tourists Count Safety Inspection Device Entry Time Average(min) Entry Time Max(min)
2 28640 6800 80 27.09 75.9
B2 21360 5200 60 24.55 83.97
2 28640 5500 80 23.87 70.23
B2 18270 3500 52 24.07 62.92
2 12000 3000 35 20.98 53.02
B2 12000 3000 35 22.7 51.7

And the area proportion of Density LOS for floor 2 under different traffic volume:

LOS of Peak

LOS of Normal

LOS of valley

Density map of floor 2 under different traffic volume:

Density map of peak

Density map of normal

Density map of valley

Then we tested waiting time in different Queuing level, in this way we can can reduce the uncertainty of waiting time.

Queue Level Queue Form Line Count Waiting Time(min)
1 line,tilted in end 24 2.68
2 line,tilted in begining 23 3.37
3 line, equare length 41 4.94
4 polyline 38 5.38
5 arc 18 5.13
6 line, equare length 25 3.18
7 snake & line 23 2.67
8 line, interlaced 40 0.7

Floor 2 - Waiting time in different Queuing level


Queue Level Queue Form Line Count Waiting Time(min)
1 polyline 27 2.27
2 line,tilted in end 27 3.93
3 line,tilted in begining 27 4.51
4 polyline 31 5.28
5 snake & line 17 4.42
6 line, interlaced 31 1.95

Underground Floor 2 - Waiting time in different Queuing level

Throughput rate of Safety Inspection Device

Floor Safety Inspection Device Safety Inspection Time Average (setting value) Theoretical Throughput Rate Simulation Result
2 80 10s 28,8000/h 22,2000/h
2 35 10s 12,6000/h 10,4000/h
B2 60 10s 21,6000/h 15,7000/h
B2 52 10s 18,7000/h 13,2000/h
B2 35 10s 12,6000/h 10,1000/h

Note: Simulation Result would be lower than Theoretical Throughput rate, because of the queuing and walking time.

Simulation Videos
Simulation of Expo 2010