Example of neural network application: Dow Jones Industrial Index Prediction

Neural Networks are good at detecting hidden relations in a set of patterns (non-linear, many-to-many relations). Pythia is a program for the development and design of Neural Networks.

In this case, I just want to test whether this approach is effective or not: examine the Dow Jones Industrial Index, simply assume that there might be a relation between today’s open, high, low, close and volume and tomorrow’s close .(In fact, there might be more parameters like interest rates, overseas market indices, currency ratio etc. )

DJI open, high, low, close and volume in 1999

Date Open High Low Close Volume
1/4/99 9184.01 9350.33 9122.47 9184.27 883
1/5/99 9184.78 9338.74 9182.98 9311.19 779
1/6/99 9315.42 9562.22 9315.42 9544.97 986
1/7/99 9542.14 9542.14 9426.02 9537.76 857
1/8/99 9538.28 9647.96 9525.41 9643.32 940
1/11/99 9643.32 9643.32 9532.61 9619.89 816

The basic idea is: to train a back propagation network with the data of first half 1999, then to "predict" second half (7-12).

  • Just follow the example of Pythia manual: "Using the values directly as input into our network is not advisable because our interest is merely the percent drop and gain. We therefore derive our input data from the original data in the following way":
    ΔOpen(t) = % change day t-1 -> day t  = (Open(t)-Open(t-1))/Open(t-1)*100
    ΔHigh(t) = % rel. to Open = (High(t)-Open(t))/Open(t)*100
    ΔLow(t) = % rel. to Open = (Low(t)-Open(t))/Open(t)*100
    ΔClose(t) = % change day t-1 -> day t  = (Close(t)-Close(t-1))/Close(t-1)*100
    ΔVolume(t) = % change day t-1 -> day t  = (Volume(t)-Volume(t-1))/Volume(t-1)*100
    The output we define as ΔClose(t+1) = % change day t -> day t+1 = (Close(t+1)-Close(t))/Close(t)*100
  • Generating a good neural networks with Genetic Algorithm: that is to find a good networks topology suitable for this data.
  • Evolutionary Optimizer

    Then I found topology of 5-5-7-1, 5-6-6-1,and 5-5-4-1 have high fitness.

    Neural Networks of 5-6-6-1Neural Networks Training

    Training Neural Networks

    Neural Network with topology of 5-6-6-1

  • To train these neural networks with data of first half 1999.
  • Use trained neural networks to predict the second half of 1999, and here is the results. I think it's reasonable: the relations between today’s open, high, low, close and volume and tomorrow’s close dose exist, but not decisive. The most important thing is : this example proves that if we use neural networks appropriately, it will be really helpful.
Dow Jones Industrial Index Prediction

"It must be stated clearly: No Neural Network can ever predict a market crash or any point gain or loss due to actual economical or political events you don’t know in advance. But a Neural Network might be able discover relations between stock market data that are not obvious."

Example of genetic algorithm: Vehicle Routing Problem

VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) is a well-known NP-Hard problem in the combinatorial optimization field. A typical vehicle routing problem can be described as the problem of designing least cost routes from one distribution center to a set of geographically scattered points (cities, stores, warehouses, schools, customers etc.).  

For example, a distribution center (DC) locates at (145km,130km), and there are 20 customers, of which locations and demands of goods are in the following table. We have only 5 trucks, each truck is able to carry at most 8 ton goods and run as long as 500km at one time. Now the problem is: how to arrange the routs at least cost?

A VRP Example

Customer No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x (km) 128 184 154 189 155 39 106 86 125 138
y (km) 85 34 166 152 116 106 76 84 21 52
Demand(t) 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.5 0.8 1.3 1.7 0.6 1.2 0.4
Customer No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
x (km) 67 148 18 171 74 2 119 132 64 96
y (km) 169 26 87 110 10 28 198 151 56 148
Demand(t) 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.1 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.5


There was a lot of fun with development of this program. By solving this problem with genetic algorithm, I can imagine I'm the god, creating many kinds of creatures, each stands for one solution. The following table shows 2 individuals, which contain routes information in their gene.

1 Gene 12-10-2-9-5-14-20-3-4-18-17-16-8-19-7-11-6-13-15-1
Routes 0-12-10-2-9-5-14-20-0 | 0-3-4-18-17-0 | 0-16-8-19-7-0 | 0-11-6-13-15-1-0
Total distance 1593.6259765625 Fitness 0.000905653431905891
1499 Gene 2-20-16-4-13-12-1-9-8-18-5-15-3-6-14-11-7-10-17-19
Routes 0-2-20-0 | 0-16-4-0 | 0-13-12-1-0 | 0-9-8-18-5-0 | 0-15-3-0 | 0-6-14-11-0 | 0-7-10-17-0 | 0-19-0
Total distance 2807.85594177246 Fitness 0.0005140124225665

Then I created thousands of individuals, and set the rules: "survival of the fittest", better individuals have more change to have children. Besides, It's necessary to introduce new creatures at the beginning of each generation, and to let some individuals mutate. In this way premature convergence can be avoided.

The rest thing is to observe them "living" in the small world I created, and to get a satisfying solution at the end.

Generation Population Least (km) Average (km)
0 2264 1596.66734427304 2197.55539580735
1 2042 1526.05910754587 2069.60841984751
2 1831 1526.05910754587 1990.58993605403
3 1648 1483.09592003891 1958.42372527935
4 1515 1483.09592003891 1932.0907494584
5 1465 1483.09592003891 1906.22481851749
6 1416 1325.13323413734 1864.15730162241
7 1444 1325.13323413734 1860.85415519988
8 1434 1325.13323413734 1839.7604002614
9 1380 1325.13323413734 1844.15417540795
10 1388 1325.13323413734 1814.33679019852
11 1345 1311.8305302498 1751.06987132262
12 1397 1295.14167082336 1756.29748418473
13 1349 1184.88285838633 1769.30937874342
14 1355 1184.88285838633 1767.97844578199
15 1347 1184.88285838633 1739.16548397984
16 1446 1184.88285838633 1749.44756231269
17 1474 1184.88285838633 1741.12932464921
18 1297 1184.88285838633 1698.10179191744
19 1229 1129.16889762462 1703.7091873959
20 1341 1129.16889762462 1700.72462627656
21 1355 1129.16889762462 1710.48802469976
22 1199 1108.66546638144 1653.74457310795

Solution with total mileage of 1108.665 km

Solution with total distance of 1108.665 km

Solutions with total mileage of 1112.9985 km Solutions with total mileage of 1112.9985 km

2 Solutions with total distance of 1112.9985 km

See also